Climate Literacy Guide

The official guide for communicating climate science

Published by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, Climate Literacy is the leading climate education resource for educators in the classroom and in the field. This third edition represents the collective efforts of 15 federal agencies and the White House to share the latest understanding, impacts, and work in climate science.

You can view the full guide here.

The story of climate change and its wide-ranging effects are also told through carefully curated photos and paintings woven throughout.

I art directed and designed this 50+ page publication in close collaboration with a dedicated communications team at NOAA. The cover features an original watercolor background with topographical lines to capture the abstract sense of a map.

The teardrop elements on the cover help create a cohesive and original visual system throughout the guide, both in the running footer and in the section openings.

Art direction
Publication design
Cover design
Project management
Photo editing
508 compliance


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